🛎  10/10: Prioritization Updates


Ideas and frameworks used by top PMs when making successful products

Explore stacks
The CIRCLES method is similar to PURSUIT in that they’re both used to meaningfully work through design questions. Designed by Lewis C. Lin, it’s also commonly used in ...
Skills Market Workshop
A ‘Skills Market’ workshop is a simple exercise to develop intra-team efficiencies and trust. This workshop is most valuable when product teams are first assembled ...
DACI Method
The DACI framework is a responsibility assignment matrix and ownership model. It delegates each person on a team a specific role, accelerating decision-making velocity...
Product Playbook
Jon Lax, Director of Product Design at Facebook, believes great products don’t happen by accident — they require an architecture to respond to dynamic ...
GROW Framework
The GROW acronym is a ubiquitous growth method that allows product managers to evaluate situations critically, develop goals, and achieve them effectively. (G)oal - what...
PURSUIT was invented by Maryanna Quigless, Director of Product Management at Meta. At its best, PURSUIT gets everyone on the same page about thinking through ...
Product Requirements Document
Writing a PRD is a crucial part of the planning process for any product team. Investing time into writing clear PRDs help your team, executives, and stakeholders align on the "wh...
GIST Planning
The GIST acronym is a popular approach to planning used to maintain alignment with organizational objectives. There are four parts in GIST that a product manager must...
3 Question Approach
Julie Zhuo, VP of Product Design at Facebook, approaches product develop-ment with a 3-question approach. 1. What people problem are we solving? ...
Value-Effort Matrix
A value-effort matrix is a 2x2 matrix that charts Value on the Y-axis, and Effort on the X-axis. Initiatives are mapped onto the chart according to whether they require high or ...
Cost of Delay Analysis
Cost of Delay (CoD) is a method of prioritization based on amount of revenue lost if an initiative is delayed. This method directly ties quality of prioritization to a company's...
RICE Scoring
RICE scoring is a prioritization framework that helps product managers estimate the value of a task, action, or project .There are four factors to consider: 1. Reach — This ...
MoSCoW Method
MoSCoW prioritization is a hierarchy framework used to rank items in order of importance. It means: Must-haves, Should-haves, Could-haves, and Will-not-haves. ...
Ansoff Matrix
The Ansoff matrix helps PMs discover and compare the risks associated with growth strategies. X-axis: Products (Existing, New). Y-axis: Markets (Existing, New). The PM id...
Kano Model
The Kano Model prioritizes product roadmaps on the basis of how likely they will satisfy customers. This is a user-centric methodology used by many product tea...
BCG Growth-Share Matrix
The Growth-Share matrix was created by BCG to chart a company’s products against each other.The matrix plots market share on the x-axis and rate of market growth on ...
Importance-Satisfaction Matrix
The importance-satisfaction matrix, or gap analysis, was discussed by Dan Olsen in The Lean Product Playbook (a must-read for PMs). Given a list of initiatives to prioritize, graph...
Game Thinking
The Game Thinking method is used to design deeply engaging products. The core of the concept lies in identifying super-fans (highly passionate early adopters). These ...
Dual-Track Agile
In any agile process, there is a discovery team that identifies challenges, ideates solutions, and validates the problem space. Then there's a delivery team, turning thes...
4D Framework
The 4D Framework expands on Dual-Track Agile Development by layering on four phases crucial to product management success. 1. Discovery — 4D Discovery focu...
Product Focus Funnel
Joe Van Os, PM @ Clariti, created the Product Focus Funnel to help startups/ product teams overcome lack of focus and develop a bias for user-centric action. In th...
Project Lifecycle Reviews
For each phase of a project’s lifecycle, you ask a question:Phase 0 — What is the problem we’re solving? Why is it worth solving? (Validation) Anyone can propose...
Product Kata
The Product Kata by Melissa Perri of HBS expands on the Kanban Kata (see here) as a method to build better software products. The kata goes as follows: 1. Understand th...
3 Levels of MVP
The traditional MVP is a scaled-back product with minimal features, but enough to attract early-adopter paying customers. But, agile PMs realized a paying MVP is still too far o...
Double Diamond Method
The double diamond method is one of the most common design methodologies. It uses a four-phase process to understand user problems and develop solutions: ...