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Maze Question Bank


Less of a framework and more of a resource, user-insights platform Maze created a bank of questions product teams can use to conduct research or collect feedback. Ranging from UI/UX questions to initial discovery, feel free to poke around and find questions relevant for your current product stage.

Great product managers should use the question bank as a compass rather than an end-all be-all of user-centric interviewing. Make sure you have a clear goal prior to designing your interviews, and select questions that lead to the most concise responses to that goal.

One important piece of advice is to avoid leading questions. Don't go into interviews with predictions about what the interviewee will say. Adapt to the conversation, and dig into the underlying "why's" behind their responses. The 5 Why's Technique would be a good complement to this resource.

Endorsed by

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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
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David Denham
PM, Workday
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG