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User Journey Map + 5E's


A user journey map is a diagrammatic flow that visualizes how a user enters your site, engages with it, exits, as well as long-term loyalty and advocacy. It details the user's feelings, motivations, and goals.

The 5E framework is helpful for constructing a holistic user journey:
Entice — the trigger which leads a user into the funnel
Enter — what does the user immediately do?
Engage — what is the user trying to achieve?
Exit — how does the user achieve it?
Extend — what happens afterwards?

A great user journey map should be a constant source of truth for product teams to reference. However, they should also adapt over time as qualitative & statistical data is collected to affirm or deny assumptions made in the map.

Endorsed by

marty cagan imagesvpg logo
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
david denham imageworkday logo
David Denham
PM, Workday
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG