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productBase / frameworks

GIST Planning


The GIST acronym is a popular approach to planning used to maintain alignment with organizational objectives.

There are four parts in GIST that a product manager must work through in order:

1. Goals — the top-level objective/vision for a company
2. Ideas — potential ways to achieve said goals
3. Step-Projects — a term that means 10-week-maximum experiments that constitute the larger project at hand
4. Tasks — product features & enhancements that constitute progress on the step-projects

Product managers that use GIST will find they can pivot easier, and prioritize existing items more frequently with ongoing feedback from step-project experiments. GIST also encourages critical evaluation, allowing teams to constantly check an idea’s efficacy before getting to late-stage development.

Endorsed by

marty cagan imagesvpg logo
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
david denham imageworkday logo
David Denham
PM, Workday
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
marty cagan image
Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG