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productBase / frameworks

3 Question Approach


Julie Zhuo, VP of Product Design at Facebook, approaches product development with a 3-question approach.

1. What people problem are we solving?
‘People problems’ revolve around users, not the company’s profits or technical goals. It should also dig underneath the surface, and reveal why users are experiencing the problem.

2. How do we know it’s a real problem? (Validation)
Good data is any information that is viable and allows you to make an informed decision, be it numbers or anecdotes. Collect all available data to validate if there’s a meaningful path forward here.

3. How will we know if we’ve solved it? (Standards for success)
Why define goals before launching? It becomes hard to be objective with data after launching. You’ll change the goalposts as you become biased to the results.

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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
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David Denham
PM, Workday
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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG
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Marty Cagan
Partner, SVPG